RF Parameter

  1. Country: Select the same country code to ensure normal connection with the local wireless terminal.
  1. WMM: Wi-Fi Multimedia.
  1. User Isolation: Mutual access is not possible until a wireless terminal is connected.
  1. Maximum Number of Associated Devices: The maximum number of connections allowed by an AP to a wireless terminal.
  1. Beacon Interval: The interval between beacons sending signals requires the AP to support bluetooth module.
  1. RTS/CTS Threshold: Request to send/allow to send. Keep the default value.
  1. Weak Signal Rejection Threshold: The AP will reject connection to any wireless device that tries to connect with a signal strength below the set value.
  1. 2.4G/5G Channel: 2.4G/5G supports automatic adaptation of country code channels.
  1. 2.4G Bandwidth: Support 20/40/40+/40- MHz
  1. 5G Bandwidth: Support 20/40/40+/40-/80 MHz
  1. 2.4/5G TxPower: 2.4G supports up to 27 dBm and 5G supports up to 23dBm.
作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-04-28 16:33
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2024-05-14 12:31