
  • Host name: The external name of the device

  • IPv4 address: The current IPV 4 address of the device

  • MAC address: The MAC address of the physical network card of the device

  • Remaining lease time: The remaining lease time during which the router issues to the IP address of the device through DHCP

  • Upload rate (KB/s): The current uplink transmission speed of the device in KB per second

  • Download rate (KB/s): The device’s current downlink transmission speed in KB per second

  • Download rate (KB/s): The device’s current downlink transmission speed in KB per second

  • Download speed limit (KB/s): The download speed to the current limit in KB per second

  • Action-Speed limit: Set the maximum transmission speed between upstream and downstream of this device, in KB per second, set 0 indicates no speed limit

  • Action-Disable / release: After the disabled, this device will be unable to access the Internet, and the release will resume Internet access

作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-05-11 12:06
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2023-10-08 10:48