Visitor network

The device cannot access other terminals and routers after connecting to the visitor network

  • Basic overview of wireless networks

  • Status: Whether the visitor WIFI in each frequency band is in the working condition

  • Number of users: Number of existing visitor WIFI connections in this band

  • Wireless channel: The transmit channel corresponding to the visitor WIFI in this frequency band

  • SSID: The wireless name that this band visitor WIFI now broadcasts

  • Configuration of the visitor’s wireless network

  • Enable: whether the 2.4G wireless is enabled

  • SSID:2.4G Wireless name

  • Wireless encryption: optional ① non-encryption ② WPA-PSK③WPA2-PSK④WPA-PSK / WPA 2-PSK ⑤WPA2-PSK / WPA 3-SAE⑥WPA3-SAE, The ④ WPA-PSK / WPA 2-PSK is recommended

  • Password: Select the wireless password of the visitor network, at least 8 characters, and the gray button on the right can view the current input status
作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-05-11 13:37
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2023-10-08 10:48