This menu can set up the Internet access rules for a device
Name: The name of the rule
Host name: Name of the device restricted by the rule
IPv4 address: The current IP address of the device
MAC address: The MAC address of the physical network card of the device
Disable host: Shows whether the device has been disabled
Internet access time: Displays the name of the period when the device is restricted to Internet access
Upload speed limit (KB/s): The current maximum upload speed of the device is KB per second
Download speed limit (KB/s): Currently limits the maximum download speed in KB per second
∧ / ∨: Position the rule
Edit / Delete: Edit or delete the rule
Add: Add a new rule
Name: The name of the period rule
Week: Show the Internet
Start time / end time (time: minutes): Displays the period during which you can go online during that period
∧ / ∨: Position the rule
Edit / Delete: Edit or delete the rule
Add: Add a new time period rule
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-10-08 10:48