User Service Agreement

User Service Agreement (Todaair)

Welcome to use the platform service of Jiangmen todaair Electronics Co., Ltd., and thank you for carefully reading and confirming the User Service Agreement of Todaair (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).

[Read carefully] The underlined parts of the following articles are the parts that are considered extremely important to your rights and interests by Todaair. Please pay attention to them.

[Signing action] After you read and agree to this agreement, you have fully understood and understood the meaning of all terms and corresponding legal consequences, and voluntarily made the following authorization, commitment and statement. If you are under the age of 16, or over the age of 16 but under the age of 18 and cannot use your labor income as the main source of income, please read this agreement with the legal guardian. If you do not agree with this agreement, you have the full and complete right to withdraw from using the platform services (but this does not prevent you from browsing the product information in the platform), and you click to register and/or actually use the platform services through the web page, which is deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to accept this agreement. If you have any questions, complaints, opinions and suggestions about this agreement, you are welcome to communicate with Todaair through the contact information attached to this agreement, and Todaair is very happy to answer them for you.

[Special note] Among them, authorization includes the credit business in the Regulations on the Administration of the Credit Industry. You should have a certain understanding of the Regulations on the Administration of the Credit Industry and relevant laws and regulations. If you cannot clearly know or understand the contents of relevant national laws and regulations, you should consult relevant legal professionals before deciding whether to accept this agreement.

1、 Statement

1.1 The terms and provisions of this agreement are jointly reached by Jiangmen todaair Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Todaair”, that is, the “platform party”), the service provider (referred to as Jiangmen todaair Electronics Co., Ltd.), and the user (or “user”, that is, the customer registered with Todaair through Todaair), which is legally binding on all parties.

1.2 By accessing or using the services or platforms of Todaair in any way, including but not limited to website (domain name:), mobile client software (name: “Todaair”), WeChat official account, etc., it means that you have fully read, understood and agreed to accept the terms, rules, provisions and conditions of this agreement (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the terms”).

1.3 In order to provide better services, Todaair has the right to use the user identity information (such as ID card photos, etc.) obtained through legal means to provide services for users.

2、 Service content

2.1 Online account registration, management of products under Jiangmen todaair Electronics Co., Ltd., comments on services provided, etc. through the e-governance platform (including but not limited to the e-governance official website, e-governance app, e-governance WeChat applet, and e-governance Alipay applet).

2.2 The platform has established a convenient and effective complaint reporting mechanism and will do its best to promptly accept and handle your complaint reporting. At the same time, if you agree to the platform dispute resolution rules when you have a dispute on the platform, Todaair will also assist you in handling your dispute. You agree that the platform has the right to act as an independent third party to make an independent mediation decision based on the dispute facts learned by the platform and the platform dispute resolution rules. If you are not satisfied with the mediation decision, you still have the right to take other legal dispute resolution methods to resolve the dispute, but you agree to implement the mediation decision before obtaining a final decision through other dispute resolution methods.

2.3 You agree and understand that the specific contents, functions and forms of the platform are provided by the platform according to the actual situation and the actual visible state. Todaair has the right to determine the specific contents, functions and forms of the platform services at its own discretion (for example, Todaair may only provide them in specific countries or regions in specific languages), and has the right to decide to add, change, interrupt and stop the specific contents, functions and forms of the platform at its own discretion. The service content, function and form presented by the platform in real time shall prevail.

3、 Use rules

3.1 Users must provide authentic and accurate personal data to Todaair when applying for the use of the network service of Todaair. If there is any change in personal data, it must be updated within three working days. You must ensure that the information you fill in and provide is true, accurate and complete, otherwise you may not be able to use the platform services, or be restricted in the process of use, or even affect whether you can use the platform specific functions. You are responsible for the responsibilities and losses caused by the untrue, inaccurate or incomplete information you provide.

3.2 The platform has the right to decide whether to provide services for you based on the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information you provide and whether it meets other conditions specified by the platform service.

3.3 Users should keep their personal account properly, and should not disclose the SMS verification code received during registration and login, otherwise the resulting loss of users will not be borne by Todaair.

3.4 After the user has registered successfully, it is deemed that E-NM is allowed to send the preferential service information of E-NM to the user through SMS or other means.

3.5 Users must follow the following principles when using the easy-to-manage network service:

3.5.1 Abide by relevant Chinese laws and regulations;

3.5.2 Comply with all network protocols, regulations and procedures related to network services;

3.5.3 The network service system shall not be used for any illegal purpose;

3.5.4 Do not use the easy-to-manage network service system to conduct any behavior that is not conducive to easy-to-manage.

3.6 After you register successfully, Todaair will configure your account. The ownership of the account belongs to the platform. The user only has the right to use it during the validity of this agreement. Without the consent of the platform, the user’s account is only for the user’s own use. The account information and authority may not be licensed to a third party for use or jointly controlled and used with a third party by means of transfer, gift, borrowing, sale, authorization or lease.

3.7 You know and understand that if different accounts are bound or associated with the same mobile phone number, the same email account, and the same device number, the said different accounts may be considered as related accounts (that is, the same user). In this case, eNM has the right to merge or forcibly cancel the relevant accounts.

3.8 If you need to cancel your account, you have the right to do so through the methods and procedures published on the platform. After verifying your identity and clearing up the account assets (such as all the equipment or virtual items under the account) and disputes, eBay will provide you with account cancellation services. This agreement will be terminated after the account is cancelled, and E-Management will stop providing any services for you. Of course, E-Management also reserves the right to directly recycle and cancel your account and stop the service if your account meets the following conditions: (1) You have not logged in and used the platform service for 24 consecutive months; (3) Other situations.

4、 Registration and certification

4.1 Registration rules

4.1.1 Any natural person with a valid mobile phone number, email account and WeChat account in mainland China can register as a customer of the platform after passing the platform user registration procedure.

4.1.2 Customers of the third party platform that cooperates with the Todaair platform will automatically register as the Todaair platform customers after generating a car rental relationship with the Todaair platform through the third party platform, and the account number is the same as the account number of the third party platform (that is, mobile phone number).

5、 User Code of Conduct

5.1 You guarantee to use the platform services reasonably, and accept this agreement and other policies, rules, announcements and statements formulated and issued by Todaair from time to time.

5.2 Prohibited behavior: You can use the platform and services within the scope of this agreement. You cannot use the platform to engage in the following behaviors:

(1) Use platform services beyond authorization or maliciously;

(2) Use the platform to publish, transmit, disseminate and store content that endangers national security, national unity and social stability, or insult, slander, pornography, violence, cause other people’s anxiety and any content that violates national laws, regulations and policies, or set up a network name and character name containing the above content, and publish, transmit and disseminate illegal advertising information, marketing information and garbage information;

(3) Use the platform to infringe others’ intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation rights, personal information and other legal rights or interests;

(4) Maliciously fabricate or assist in fabricating facts, evaluations and other information or data;

(5) Conduct any behavior that endangers computer network security, including but not limited to: use unauthorized data or access to unauthorized servers/accounts; Enter the public computer network or other people’s computer system without permission and delete, modify or add stored information; Attempt to detect, scan and test the weakness of the “software” system or network without permission or other behaviors that undermine network security; Attempt to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of the “software” system or website, intentionally spread malicious programs or viruses, and other acts that disrupt the normal network information services; Forgery of TCP/IP packet name or part of the name; Use the platform and services to upload any virus, Trojan horse, or worm and other content harmful to network health;

(6) Reverse engineer, reverse compile or reverse assemble the platform or otherwise attempt to discover the source code and algorithm of the platform, modify or disable any function of the software or create derivative works based on the software without permission. Remove any proprietary statement or label on the platform or document, or merge other software with the platform;

(7) Carry out any act that damages the fairness of the services provided by Todaair or other acts that affect the normal order of the application, such as active or passive scoring, cheating in partnership, using plug-in or other cheating software, using BUG (also known as “vulnerability” or “defect”) to obtain improper illegal interests, or using the Internet or other means to make plug-in, cheating software, and BUG public;

(8) Engaging in other acts prohibited by laws and regulations, policies, public order and good customs, social morality, and infringing the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals, companies, social groups and organizations.

5.3 Standardization of information content: In order to create a good network ecosystem, protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and maintain national security and public interests, Todaair will consciously practice the socialist core values and create a clear cyberspace in accordance with the National Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Network Security Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Internet Information Service Management Measures and other laws and administrative regulations, And carry out activities related to promoting positive energy and disposing illegal and bad information.

5.4 Todaair encourages you to make, copy and publish information containing the following contents:

(2) Propagandizing the Party’s theoretical line, principles and policies and major decisions and arrangements of the Central Committee;

(3) Showing the highlights of economic and social development and reflecting the great struggle and hot life of the people;

(4) Carry forward the core socialist values, publicize the excellent moral culture and the spirit of the times, and fully display the uplifting spirit of the Chinese nation;

(5) Effectively responding to social concerns, resolving doubts and clarifying matters, and helping to guide the masses to form consensus;

(6) It is helpful to improve the international influence of Chinese culture and show the real, three-dimensional and comprehensive China to the world;

• Other contents that emphasize taste, style and responsibility, eulogize the truth, goodness and beauty, and promote unity and stability.

5.5 You are not allowed to make, copy and publish illegal information containing the following contents:

(1) Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;

(2) Endangering national security, disclosing state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;

(3) Damage to national honor and interests;

(4) Distort, vilify, desecrate or deny the deeds and spirit of heroes and martyrs, and infringe upon the names, portraits, reputation and honor of heroes and martyrs by insulting, slandering or other means;

(5) Propagandizing terrorism or extremism or inciting terrorist or extremist activities;

(6) Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

(7) Those who undermine the state’s religious policies and promote heresy and feudal superstition;

(8) Spreading rumors and disturbing economic and social order;

(9) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

(10) Insult or slander others, infringe upon their reputation, privacy and other legitimate rights and interests;

• Other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

5.6 NetEase will also take measures according to law to prevent and resist the production, reproduction and release of bad information containing the following contents:

(1) Use exaggerated title, and the content is seriously inconsistent with the title;

(2) Hyping up gossip, scandal, bad deeds, etc;

(3) Improperly commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters;

(4) It is easy to make sexual association with sexual suggestion and provocation;

(5) Showing blood, horror, cruelty and other physical and mental discomfort;

(6) Inciting crowd discrimination, regional discrimination, etc;

(7) Propagandizing vulgar, vulgar and vulgar contents;

(8) It may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social ethics, and induce minors’ bad habits;

(9) Other contents that have a negative impact on the network ecology.

5.7 Specification for the use of information content: Without the written permission of Todaair, you shall not authorize, permit or assist any third party to conduct the following actions on the information content in the platform:

(1) Copy, read and adopt the information content of the platform for any form of commercial use;

(2) Edit, sort out and arrange the information content of the platform and related services without authorization and display it in channels other than the source page of the platform and related services;

(3) Using improper methods, or assisting a third party to have adverse effects on the information content of the platform and related services, such as traffic, reading volume or transaction guidance and transfer.

6、 Personal information protection and privacy policy

6.1 Todaair promises to protect the information security of platform users. Without the explicit consent of the platform users, it will not use the platform user information for acts other than the purpose of this service, and will not transfer, sell, disclose or disclose the lessee’s information to a third party other than Todaair’s affiliated enterprises; This does not include the requirements of the government and judicial authorities under special circumstances, in which case, Todaair will notify the parties at the first time.

6.2 When eNM cooperates with a third party to provide users with relevant network services, in this case, if the third party promises to strictly assume the same responsibility for protecting users’ privacy as eNM, it is deemed that the customer authorizes eNM to only provide relevant information including its personal registration data to such third party.

6.3 You agree that while accepting the services provided by Todaair, you will allow Todaair to send and display advertising, promotion or promotional information (including commercial and non-commercial information) to you by itself or by a third-party advertiser on the premise of complying with laws and regulations. If you are not interested in the advertisements or information sent or recommended, you can control the system to display or not display/reduce the display of relevant types of advertisements or information to you based on the relevant technical options provided by Todaair.

6.4 Todaair has the corresponding rights to the information protected by intellectual property rights or other laws contained in the platform; In addition to the content that is copyrighted by users according to law, the intellectual property of the overall content of the platform belongs to Todaair or its affiliates.

6.5 The intellectual property rights of the original information such as text, pictures, videos, software and performances published and uploaded by you using the platform and services belong to you (or otherwise agreed by the third party content provider and you), but based on the needs of the platform operation, you confirm that your publishing and uploading of such information is deemed to be the use, reproduction, dissemination and other rights of the intellectual property rights authorized by Ease Network Management.

6.6 For the competitive data rights and interests obtained based on the legal processing of the data, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, E-Management has the independent use rights and interests without your consent.

6.7 Complaints or reports about information content. If you are inadvertently infringed on your legitimate rights and interests during the use of the platform, you have the right to notify Yi

作者:admin  创建时间:2023-01-31 14:49
最后编辑:admin  更新时间:2023-01-31 14:59