7.2 Host Mapping

Mac-based Port Mapping

IPv6 addresses are dynamic allocation, according to IPv6 standards, in order to improve the security of the network environment, the latest IPv6 standard requires that the distribution of addresses must be dynamic.In such a case, the gateway device Intranet server address may be changed, when the gateway and server address are changed:

The change of IP address and the unchanged configuration of gateway device will cause the data to be filtered. In order to correctly deal with the above situation, automatic release rule configuration based on MAC is required, so that the device can release the data correctly even in the case of IPv6 address change.

  • Status: Enable/Disable Host Release

  • Description: Fill in remark name.

  • Protocol: Click on “TCP plus UDP”.

  • Internal Port: The port number used to access the Intranet server is set by the server itself.

  • MAC Address: Fill in the MAC address of the internal host.

  • Sync the Address or Platform: Enable or disabled, sync MAC address to the platform.

  • Server Type: WWW service, FTP service, email service and others.

作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-05-22 15:17
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2023-12-13 10:19