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Above it is display diagram of router system overview. Display data number and details are as follows:

  • 如上图所示,为路由器系统概况整体展示图。展示数据编号及详解如下:
    -Red Line Area: Display device serial number of gateway, notification of gateway message, cloud login address, system language options.
  • 红框区域:展示网关的设备序列号、网关消息通知、云端登录地址、系统语言切换功能选项;
    -Purple Line Area: Display the router’s current CPU temperature, CPU utilization, memory utilization, upstream and downstream speed and others.
  • 紫框区域:展示路由器当前 CPU 温度、CPU 使用率、内存使用率和上下行速率等信息;
    -Orange Line Area: Gateway configuration page navigation bar.
  • 橙框区域:网关配置页面导航栏;
    -Blue Line Area: Current system overview information of gateway.
  • 蓝框区域:网关当前系统概况信息;
作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-05-22 13:58
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18