Network VLAN


Through Intranet interface to virtual sub net interface, multiple sub net VLAN can be added and the principle is consistent with the router-on-a-stick.
通过内网接口虚拟出子网接口,可添加多个子网 VLAN,原理与单臂路由方法一致

Click the “add” button in the right of top.

  • Binding Physical Port: Select intranet interface but aggregation port cannot be used.
  • 绑定物理口:选择内网接口,不能使用聚合端口
  • VLAN ID: Fill in the VLAN label (VLAN number is 1~4094, can’t be repeated).
  • VLAN ID:填写 vlan 标签(VLAN 号为 1~4094,不能重复)
  • MAC Address Configuration: Physical address of interface. Click random to generate MAC.
  • MAC 地址配置:接口的物理地址,点击随机即可生成 MAC
  • IP Address: Fill in the IP address of the virtual sub net, for example:
  • IP 地址:填写虚拟子网的 IP 地址,例如:
  • Network Mask: Fill in the sub net mask, the default is
  • 网络掩码:填写子网掩码,默认为
作者:todaair01  创建时间:2023-05-22 14:16
最后编辑:todaair01  更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18