7.1.2 Advanced
- From Source IP: IP address of the device that needs to access the server (Optional).
- 源 IP:需要访问服务器的设备 IP 地址(可选填)
- From Source Port: IP port number of the device that needs to access the server (Optional).
- 源端口:需要访问服务器的设备 IP 端口号(可选填)
- WAN IP Address: If the wan port address is configured, the external device can only be accessed through this wan port address. If the wan port address is not configured, it can be accessed through all wan port addresses.
- WAN 口地址:如果配置 wan 口地址,外部设备只能通过这个WAN 口地址访问,如果没有配置 wan 口地址,可通过所有 wan 口地址访问。
- Reflection: It enables the “IP plus port number” of the port map to be accessed on the Intranet as well, and needs to be turned on if the service needs to be accessed on the Intranet.
- 端口回流:端口回流可以使端口映射的 “IP+端口号” 在内网也可以被访问,如果需要在内网访问该服务,则需要开启
作者:todaair01 创建时间:2023-05-22 15:16
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18