LAN Forward
This feature can disable LAN access to each other. For example, for the visitor network, you can click on the “Disallow Forward” to achieve visitor can access WAN but not LAN.
该功能可以禁止 LAN 间访问,比如针对访客网络,可以禁止内网转发来实现可以访问外网但不能访问内网的功能。
Visitor Mode Setting.
Example: Create Vlan17 and Vlan18 under LAN1. In the figure above, LAN1_8 is disallowed forward. LAN, LAN1 and LAN_17 can access each other. They can access LAN1_18, but LAN1_18 can’t access other LAN, can access WAN.
例:在 LAN1 口下新建,vlan17,vlan18,在上图中禁止 lan1_18 内网转发,Lan、lan1、lan_17 可以互访,并可以访问 lan1_18,lan1_18 不能访问其他内网,可以访问外网。
作者:todaair01 创建时间:2023-05-22 15:19
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18