Expiration Notice
Open the expiration notice, the system will automatic send the announcements.
Send SMS When Expired: If match the SMS platform to use which can open SMS notice.
Expired Portal Notice: Use the Portal page to announcements.
到期 Portal通知:使用 Portal页面进行公告
Jump Address After Portal Notice: Jump the page after notice, such as: https://www.baidu.com
Portal通知后跳转地址:通知后跳转的 WEB页面,如:https://www.baidu.com
Notice Interval: How long will announce one times, unit is hour.
Auto Rest Time: It will automatic stop to notice the related user if Portal notice is failure within the limited time.
自动重置时间:指定时间内 Portal通知没有成功,则自动停止对应用户的到期通知
Notice Port: 80,8080, ALL.
Notice Content: Announcement content can be edit by yourself.
There are two main forms of notification
- SMS Notification: The SMS gateway and corresponding SMS module need to be configured.
1、短信通知。 需要配置短信网关和相应的短信模块, 配置短信网关。 - Local Portal Push.
2、本地 Portal 推送。
Expiration Notification Interval: How often expiration reminders are sent.
到期通告间隔时间: 到期提醒多久一次。
Automatic Reset Time: For Portal notifications, if a user is added to the expiration notification list, the user is automatically removed from the list when the user does not complete the expiration notification. (Need to click “confirm” to complete the process through the page. This method prevents the customer from accessing the Internet if the customer does not click on it.
自动重置时间: 针对 Portal 通告下,加入到期通告列表的用户,多久没有完成通过则自动把用户移出通过列表(通过页面需要点击确认才可完成流程,方式客户没有点防止客户上网)
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18