11.2 CPE List
CPE 列表
The CPE are displayed on the same local area network and the network segment need to be the same as the gateway. The CPE are configured to be delivered in real time. After the configuration, it is not saved in the AC device.
显示同一局域网中的 CPE,CPE 需要跟网关同一网段,面相关 CPE 配置为实时下发,下发后配置不会保存在 AC 设备中。
- Model: The specific model specifications of the bridge.
- 型号:网桥具体的型号规格
- Mode: Base mode (Transmitter) or Station mode (Receiver).
- 模式:基站(发射端)、接收端
- Group: Different Group.
- 群组:不同分组组别
- Online Status: Online or Offline.
- 在线状态:在线/离线
- Device Name: Remarks Device Information.
- 设备名称:可修改设备备注信息
- IP address: IP address of the bridge.
- IP 地址:网桥对应的 IP 地址
- MAC address: MAC address of the bridge.
- MAC 地址:网桥的 MAC 地址
- Running: Bridge power on running time.
- 已运行:网桥通电运行时间
作者:todaair01 创建时间:2023-05-22 16:28
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18