14.1 System Maintenance 系统维护
System Information: Display the device name and network mode.
Reboot: Display the device uptime and start reboot.
Online Upgrade: Chcek for routing system version ,model and device serial number.(It is recommended to use the manual upgrade method).
Manual Upgrade: Check “+”, select the firmware to upload in the gateway upload backup file.
Upload Backup:
a) Back up the current configuration, download the backup file backup.cfg to the local computer.
a) 备份当前配置,并下载备份文件“backup.cfg”到本地
b) Upload backup file and click”+” ,select backup **.cfg,and click to restore your backup settings.
b) 上传备份,点击“+”,选择备份**.cfg 文件,点击上传,恢复备份
c) Restore to Factory: Restore factory default settings.
c) *恢复出厂设置:恢复出厂的默认设置
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-13 10:18