Network Status 网络状态
Display the current configuration and status of the bridge. 显示当前网桥的配置、状态信息
1.Bridge Device Information 网桥设备信息
Device Information 设备信息
• Model:Equipment model. 设备的型号.
• Hostname:Name of device. 设备的名称.
• SN:The serial number of device. 设备的序列号.
• Version:Identification number of the current version of the device. 设备当前的版本的标识号.
• System Time:Computer time. 计算机的时间.
Device Status 设备状态
• Memory:The value of the amount of space already used in device memory. 设备内存已经使用的空间量的值.
• CPU:The CPU resources used to run the program. 运行的程序占用的CPU资源.
• Connection:Number of connected networked devices. 连接已在线设备数量.
• Uptime:The amount of time the device has been running. 设备已运行的时长。
Device Network Information 设备网络信息
• IP Address:The current IP address of the device. 设备当前的IP地址.
• Netmask:During data transmission, the network ID is mainly determined by the subnetwork mask. 数据传输过程中主要通过子网掩码来判断网络号.
• Gateway:Network checkpoint. 网络关卡.
• DNS:It consists of a parser and a name server.由解析器和域名服务器组成的.
2. Bridge Wireless Information 网桥无线信息
• Current Mode:The working mode of the transmitter/receiver. 发射端/接收端的工作模式.
• Radio Mode:The mode of radio frequency current. 射频电流的模式.
• RX RSSI:Refers to the strength of the wireless signal received by the equipment at the receiving station. 指接收站设备接收到的无线信号的强弱程度.
• Distance Setting:The distance at which a device transmits the signal. 设备发射信号的距离。
• Channel/Frequency:A data signal transmission channel that uses wireless signals as the transmission medium.The number of times a period change is completed per unit time is a quantity that describes the frequency of the periodic motion. 以无线信号作为传输媒体的数据信号传送通道;单位时间内完成周期性变化的次数,是描述周期运动频繁程度的量.
• Noise:Electronic interference with random variations in frequency, amplitude and phase. 频率、幅度和相位随机变化的电子干扰.
• SSID:The name of the wireless signal. 无线信号的名称.
• Channel Width:The data transmission capability of the signal transmission is determined. 标识信号传输的数据传输能力.
• Connection Signal Quality 连接信号质量:The strength of the connection signal. 连接信号的强弱程度.
• Security:Wireless encryption. 无线的加密方式.
• Connected:Number of associated devices. 关联其他设备的数量.
• Transmission Link Quality 传输链路质量:The quality of the equipment transmission link. 设备传输链路的质量的强弱程度.
• WLAN MAC:Physical address. 网卡的物理地址.
• Region:Domain name of the device. 设备所属的域名.
• Bitrate:The rate at which the device transmits data to the receiver. 设备发射端向接收端传输数据的速率.
3. Real-time Flows Charts
4. Connected Stations
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-07-29 12:09