• Radio Mode:射频的模式.
- Radio Mode: The mode of radio frequency.
- 区域:选择对应国家的无线.
- 信道:无线信号作为传输载体的数据信号传送通道.
- 频宽:标识信号传输的数据传输能力.
• Channel Width:标识信号传输的数据传输能力.
Channel Width: Identify the data transmission capability of the signal transmission.
• Tx Power:发射端是描述做功快慢的物理量.
Tx Power: The emissivity is a physical quantity that describes how fast or slow work is done.
• Beacon Intval:SSID广播包发送的间距,用于客户端搜索无线路由之用,连接后还能检测路由器是否在线的设置.
Beacon Intval: SSID indicates the interval between broadcast packets. It is used by clients to search for wireless routes and to detect if a router is online after being connected.
• RTS Threshold:为了防止在AP范围内却不在同一范围内的无线节点互相发送信号导致冲突.
RTS Threshold: In order to prevent wireless nodes in the AP range but not in the same range from sending signals to each other, resulting in conflict.
• DTIM Intval:无线发送数据包的频率.
DTIM Intval: The frequency at which the packet is transmitted wirelessly.
• RTS Threshold:设备发射信号的距离(单位:km).
RTS Threshold: The distance of the device to transmit the signal. (Unit: km)
• DTIM Intval:最大能连接的设备数.
DTIM Intval: The maximum number of connected devices.
• Disatnce Setting:在无线网络中,接收到的信号强度必须达到一定的阈值,才能被认定为弱信号.
Distance Setting: In a wireless network, the received signal must reach a certain threshold strength before it can be considered weak.
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-12-14 11:26