The device’s 5G wireless Settings:
1.Enable Wireless:Enable/Disable 5G wireless signal. 开启/关闭5G无线信号.
2.SSID:Check the name of 5G wireless. 查看5G无线的名称.
3.Security:Check the encryption method. 查看加密的方式.
4.PSK Password:Check the wireless password. 查看无线的密码.
5.Terminal Isolation 终端隔离:Enable/Disable terminal isolation. 开启/关闭终端隔离.
6.Comfirm:Click to save the configuration of the current page.点击保存当前网页的配置.
作者:todaair01 创建时间:2023-05-27 09:31
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-07-29 12:21
最后编辑:todaair01 更新时间:2023-07-29 12:21